Concession Donations!

Makeup & Hair

Basic stage makeup and hair details for FULL CAST linked here:

The following characters will have seperate makeup and hair instructions, that will be discussed with them:

Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Wicked Witch

Required Things to Bring

Bins: Similar to the system at the high school level, each student will utilize a bin to store their items. Everything you bring to rehearsal must be able to fit in this bin. Do not bring any additional items to rehearsal that you do not need. Your costumes will remain on the racks so they are hung, but this bin will act as your storage and “spot” in the dressing rooms. Please bring a bin to rehearsal starting MONDAY and it will stay at school for the week. This bin can be any size that works for your student, as long as it fits ALL of their things. Items must be in the bin, not on the floor of the classrooms we utilize. Please ensure you have a bin, not a bag.

Attire: Come dressed to rehearsal with your undergarments already on. That includes leotard, tights, undershirts, shorts, etc.

Tech Week Rehearsals

Monday: Students should arrive at 5:00. We will dismiss when we finish the run of the show, around 9pm.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:

Call time is 5:30! Students should arrive at 5:30. We will dismiss when we finish the run of the show. This should hopefully be around 9pm each night. However, we will finish the show and change and clean up, so it may go later than 9 if need be.

Friday Assembly:

Students are to wear BLACK bottoms to school on Friday for the assembly. Students will receive their show shirt Friday morning prior to the assembly and will wear it for the assembly. More details of the assembly report time will be released this week via remind.


Friday, March 15th: Arrive at 5:30pm, Show starts at 7:00pm

Saturday, March 16th: Arrive at 5:30pm, Show starts at 7:00pm

Sunday, March 17th: Arrive at 12:30pm, Show starts at 2:00pm


More details!


Costumes & Rehearsals