More details!

DVDs of the Show

The show is being recorded this weekend and DVDs are available for purchase! Order forms will be sent home with the cast at tonight’s rehearsal. Although the due date is listed as March 22nd, it would be great to have forms turned in by the end of the show weekend. If not, they can be turned in to the middle school office.

Set Strike

We will be holding set strike the same way we did last year. Following the show, we will need parent volunteers to help tear down the set pieces and take down the backdrop. With the minimal set we have this year, with enough volunteers, it should take less than an hour to strike the set. We will do set strike while the cast has their cast party in the cafeteria, from 4:30-5:30.

Cast Party

Following the show on Sunday, students will hang and return all costumes, props, and other materials. Once their items are hung and turned in, we will have a cast pizza party in the cafeteria. We anticipate starting this around 4/4:30 whenever post-show socialization is finished. The cast party will wrap up around 5:30. Waters, pizza, and chips will be provided at the cast party.

Following our school cast party, a cast member’s family has been kind enough to plan an outing for the cast at the Lazer Factory! Flyers will be handed out at rehearsal this evening 3/13 for the cast to take home. This is not a school sponsored event.


DVD Orders due 3/22
