Rehearsals & Important Info


Headshots will be taken at rehearsal on Monday 2/26 at rehearsal. Students MUST wear a black top with no text or graphics. The photographer will be there from 6:00-9:00. I understand that students have some conflicts during Monday rehearsals, but please do your best to have your student present for part of the rehearsal so they can get their headshot taken.

Costume Needs!

Students have various costume changes throughout the show. Therefore, they need the proper undergarments. Students MUST have a nude leotard and nude tights for the show. These can be purchased for a reasonable cost online. Nude tights can also be found at the dollar store for a very reasonable cost. Boys can wear shorts and a white t-shirt underneath their costumes. Some characters will be given specific costume requirements, those students will be notified of what they need. More information on shoes for the show will be released in the next week.

Rehearsals 2/26-3/2

Monday 2/26, 6:00-9:00: FULL CAST CALLED, no crew needed

Thursday 2/29, 6:00-9:00: FULL CAST & CREW CALLED

Friday 3/1, 4:30-6:30: Jitterbug TAP dancers, Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tinman, Lion

Saturday 3/2, 9:00-12:00: FULL CAST & CREW CALLED

12:00: Set building and painting will take place on Saturday at Noon. We would appreciate parent volunteers to assist in any way possible at that time.


Costumes & Rehearsals


Rehearsals 2/19-2/24